Sunday, August 17, 2008

Catch Up

Well, it has been forever since I last posted pictures, sorry about that. We were in Austria all of July and since then we have been taking turns being sick with the stomach flu, common cold, sinus infection, and right now Lilly has croup! We haven't had time for a breather yet.
Lilly started daycare a couple of weeks ago - I guess that's why my kid, who usually is barely sick - is now non-stop sniffling, coughing, and worse. Shaun and I aren't so sure if its worth it yet. Otherwise she does fine at daycare. She isn't too thrilled about the change in routine and she misses her 3-hour naps as well as carrying her blankie around with her all the time, but I am sure she will adjust.
Today she is busy playing with her new foam blocks and emptying out my tupperware cabinet. It makes a huge mess, but she is having fun and it distracts her from being sick.
I lost my camera, so there won't be too many pictures in the near future, but I still have a bunch of pics from our Austria trip that I will post soon. Now I'll have to go and put my little critter to bed and feed the sick one.

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