Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, Jake!

Today my godson Jake is turning 4! Happy Birthday! We hope you are having a very special day! Hugs, Ally, Shaun, and Lilly

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

4 days over!

This baby has no sense for time! So far he is four days late and it doesn't look like he'll come tonight either. We have another doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. Maybe all the sitting on a ball, taking baths, walking, centering, and other stuff finally helped. On the weekend Lilly helped me get ready - she makes a really good little hairdresser.

Dieses Baby hat keinen Sinn fuer Zeit! Bis jetzt ist er vier Tage zu spaet und es schaut nicht so aus als ob er heute noch kommen wuerde. Morgen haben wir wieder einen Arzttermin. Mal schauen ob das ganze auf einem Ball rumzurollen, heisse Baeder, Spaziergaenge, meditieren, und andere Sachen geholfen hat. Am Wochenende hat Lilly mir geholfen meine Haare zu foenen - sie ist ziemlich gut als Frisoese.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Big Day is here! (or not)

Today is the 21st of February! Due date for our little baby boy to arrive! We'll see if he'll be on time like his big sister was. - It would be nice... A few days ago I received a UPS package and Lilly fell in love with the box - she used it as a bed, hide-away, etc. and had tons of fun with it. It's funny that the boxes are always more interesting than the content. And now she already waits for the brown truck to come - it brings presents!

Heute ist der 21. Februar - und unser Kleiner soll heute kommen! Wir werden sehen ob er so puenktlich ist wie Lilly war. - Es waere schoen... Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich ein Paket von UPS bekommen und Lilly hat sich in die Schachtel verliebt - sie benuetzt sie als Bett, zum Verstecken, usw. und hat sehr viel Spass damit. Es ist witzig dass die Box immer interessanter ist als der Inhalt. Jetzt wartet sie schon immer auf den braunen Truck - weil der bringt Geschenke!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

4 days to go...

Since yesterday I am on maternity leave - now I am ready for this little critter to arrive. Lilly and I had a fun day. We played peek-a-boo under the covers, played with blocks and dolls, and went for a nice walk. She pretended to talk on her cell phone while pushing the Puppe.

Seit gestern bin ich in Karenz - jetzt kann der Kleine kommen. Lilly und ich hatten einen schoenen Tag. Wir haben unter der Decke Verstecken gespielt, hatten Spass mit Blocks und Puppen, und sind auf einen schoenen Spaziergang gegangen. Lilly hat auf ihrem nicht existierenden Handy geredet und dabei Puppe rumgeschoben.


Here are some pictures from last week. I love watching her sleep... and she is doing her nails - it was hilarious to watch!
Ein paar Fotos von letzter Woche... Ich schaue ihr so gerne beim Schlafen zu... und sie macht ihre Naegel - total witzig!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

9 days...

We went to the OB today and I am 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced. Several friends have been guessing that I won't be making it to the due date.
Heute waren wir beim Arzt und ich bin 3 cm und 75%. Mehrere Freunde glauben dass ich es nicht bis zum Geburtstermin schaffen werde. Wir werden sehen...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where we deliver: Kettering Memorial Hospital

To all who have asked about directions to the hospital: go to this web-site and on the left side is a "directions" button - follow from there. Visiting hours are from 11 - 8 and kids under 12 aren't allowed. We are planning on staying for 24 hours after the baby is born. Hope this helps. :)

Baby Gallery: you'll be able to see here a picture of our little guy once he's arrived under "G".

10 days...

Time has gone by fast...only 10 more days - and he is baring down pretty hard. Except for the slight fear that my water will brake anywhere but home, I think I'm as prepared as I'm going to get for our little offspring to arrive. A nice memory: the first hour we spent with our Lilly-Belle.

Die Zeit vergeht so schnell...nur noch 10 Tage - und er laesst es mich wissen! Ausser dass ich mich ein bisschen davor fuerchte dass mein Wasser nicht zu Hause bricht, bin ich so weit dass unser kleiner Zwerg kommt. Eine schoene Erinnering: die erste Stunde die wir mit Lilly verbracht haben.

Monday, February 9, 2009

100th post!

It only took about a year for me to get 100 posts together, but here I am!
There are 12 more days until our little boy arrives - if he is on time. Today he is stretching like he is practicing for Yoga. This probably makes him as tired as I am. I really could use a nap, but there's no time right now. Maybe tomorrow again. For all those who asked - I deliver at Kettering Memorial Hospital.
Lilly got to spend Friday night at Shaun's parents' and she did very well and had lots of fun. We are glad that she feels comfortable enough to spend the night away from home. It was her dry-run for delivery day :) We spent the rest of the weekend playing, cleaning, organizing for the baby, and Shaun put a new floor in the kitchen.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Enjoying the snow

We enjoyed the snow - playing, sledding, and going for a walk. She is my little snowbunny.
Wir haben im Schnee gespielt, sind Bob gefahren, und sind mit dem Hund spazieren gegangen. Sie ist mein kleiner Schneebaer.


Lilly loves playing with her friend B. Although, she really can be a little bully. She is still learning to share :)

Visiting with friends

A couple of weeks ago we finally got a chance to see friends for a belated Christmas. We had a very nice lunch and afternoon and Lilly enjoyed playing with their dog Snuggles - I don't think he was so fond about it. We'll have to get together more often!
Freunde besuche... Vor zwei Wochen hatten wir endlich Zeit ein sehr verspaetetes Weihnachten mit Freunden zu feiern. Nach einem guten Mittagessen hat Lilly mit dem Hund gespielt - allerdings fuerchtet der sich ein bisschen vor kleinen Kindern.