Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Tree Hunting

This week has gone by way too fast! It seems like it just was Saturday. Last week I took Shaun out to see Drew Hastings, a well-known comedian from Dayton. We had a great time and also enjoyed having dinner and coffee just the two of us. Thanks Mom and Dad! Sunday night I went out with friends for dinner and a movie - Twilight - not as good as the book. On Tuesday I had a dental emergency and Lilly got to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house again. On Thursday I had to get glucose testing done to check on my sugar levels and afterwards I got to hear our baby-boy's heartbeat. I am 29 weeks now. Yesterday we went Christmas tress hunting and found a very nice one. I am looking forward to decorating it. Today it's been snowing all day, so we went outside to play in tonight we'll go to see reindeer, a live nativity scene, tons of lights, and maybe Santa. Time flies...

Lilly and her Papa are looking for the perfect Christmas tree. He had to carry her the whole time. She is very attached to Shaun.

Diese Woche ist total schnell vergangen. Mir kommt vor es war erst gestern Samstag! Letzte Woche bin ich mit Shaun zu einer Vorstellung gegangen, und es war angenehm davor mal zum Essen gehen zu koennen ohne unsere kleine Begleitung. Am Sonntag war ich mit Freunden beim Essen und im Kino, das war Spass. Am Dienstag musste ich unverhofft zum Zahnarzt und Lilly durfte wieder zu den Grosseltern. Am Donnerstag hatte ich dann einen Bluttest und danach konnte ich den Herzschlag's unseres kleinen Jungen hoeren :) Jetzt sind nur noch 11 Wochen uebrig! Gestern haben wir dann einen Weihnachtsbaum gekauft. Heute hat es den ganzen Tag geschneit und spaeter werden wir und Rentiere, den Weihnachtsmann, Pferdekutschen, und jede Menge Lichter anschauen gehen. Die Zeit vergeht so schnell...

1 comment:

Sonja said...

Dis you order your cards yet?

btw. I tagged you on my blog