Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Lily Pad Party!

It took all morning to prep food, make two cakes, finish decorating, and finish straightening the first floor - and all with little pumpkin never taking a nap - but finally two o'clock came along and the party started! L was very excited to see her grandparents and her little friend. The girls had a lot of fun playing and we all enjoyed good food and great company. They loved the table decorations and promptly stuck them in their mouths... We also had a Lily Pad Cake with a frog on it, a flower cake, and a jello pond with gummi fish in it. The birthday train is from Godi - thank you.

There were tons of presents - and L loved all of them.

B helped with unwrapping presents, after all, its a tough job and help is appreciated.

A close-up of the lily pad cake - isn't the frog cute?

Oh cake - it's such a wonderful treat!

Thanks again to everybody that sent birthday cards and presents! L is enjoying the variety of new toys and she looks adorable in her new outfits.


I haven't had much time to be on the computer the past week, so here is a little recap: On Saturday we had a little birthday breakfast for L since she wasn't feeling well enough yet to have a party. She got a stack of pancakes with a birthday candle on it. That was the first time she had pancakes, and she loved them!

The Easter bunny brought so much stuff and so many times that I was surprised that he didn't hurt his back. Thank you to Godi, Oma, Opa, Onkel Martin, Grandma and Grandpa. L loved her presents. She was looking all over for her baskets and found three different ones at our house. Later, after Easter dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's the Easter bunny brought more presents. She got lots of books, toys, food and a red wagon from Mama, Papa and her grandparents.

She was starting to feel a bit better, but was far from being back to normal. Over the next few days she improved and by Thursday she was almost back to her old self. On Friday we went with B and C to lunch and a Baby Song and Sign class. I spent quiet a lot of time cleaning the house and prepping for L's birthday party on Saturday.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Sunshine!

Happy First Birthday L! It is a bit belated, but this last week was unusual. For a special birthday treat L woke up at midnight with 103.7 fever - her skin was red from heat! Luckily she was alert enough to smile at her Papa and play on the floor. Naturally we went first thing in the morning to the doctor's office, just to realize that she had now 104 fever. She needed a strep throat test, a catheter for a urine sample, blood drawn for blood work, and an anitbiotics shot. Two hours later our princess was so worn out that she didn't even have enough energy left to cry. Poor thing! We returned on Friday again to the doctor's office to get another shot and a prescription for more medicine. We basically spent a lot of time cuddling at home after that. Unfortunately we had to postpone her birthday party - she wasn't up to it and since she didn't let go of me for long, I wasn't either. She is better now, although we have to go to the hospital for further tests. Let's hope for the best!

S took these pictures! That was the first time little one got to eat cake - she definately enjoyed it, but at first wasn't very sure what to do with it!

Like her Mama, she loves to use her feet for all kinds of tasks!

Look at the damage she did to that cake with her feet! Afterwards she got a bath in the kitchen sink.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Photo Shoot

S took great pictures of L! Here are some of our favorites. Thank you so much!

L is almost ONE! Hard to believe. These are her one-year-pictures.

I love the serious look - it brings out her eyes.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We aren't Irish, but since S took such great pictures of our little one, we send a St. Patty's Day wish anyway! L spent yesterday afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She loves it over there - she gets tons of attention and her grandparents play with her nonstop. Thanks for watching the little critter! She was in such a happy mood when she came home!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


We spent yesterday with my friend and my godson. We had a great time! First S took 1-year pictures of L and then we went to the aquarium. L really likes fish and she was very good. She also liked the lollipop! Thanks S for taking great pics!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Favorite Pictures

We have a blizzard blowing over our town - how wonderful. I am curious how much snow we'll get in the end. Right now they say it'll be 10 to 15 inches. But usually they estimate the snow fall why too high. We just were hanging out at home and practiced walking. Princess is getting there slowly, but with determination. Last night she decided to dump her dinner plate over her head - with her long hair we had to take a bath. Right now she is sorting all the cucumbers in the cupholder of her highchair. Earlier she "helped" me the first time with laundry. She put all her dirty clothes in from a pile on the floor in the hamper. She had a blast dropping the pieces of laundry in the basket. It helped that I made funny noises every time she did it. Hey, every household should have one person that likes doing laundry. Right now we are lacking that luxuary :)
I thought I post a couple of my favorite pictures of our little girl. On the first one she is ten days old - isn't that hair gorgeous? Daddy took about 100 pictures to get the perfect one. The second one was taken by my best friend when she was three months old. She surprised me with that one when she watched her one day. Love the smile!

Ich dachte mir ich mach' meine Lieblingsfotos aufs blog. Auf dem Ersten ist sie zehn Tage alt - hat sie nicht tolle Haare? Papa hat gut 100 Fotos gemacht um das Perfekte zu bekommen. Mit dem Zweiten hat mich meine beste Freundin ueberrascht als sie auf die Kleine aufgepasst hat. Ich liebe das Laecheln!
Wir haben einen starken Schneesturm, wie wunderbar. Wir sind heute zu Hause geblieben und haben gehen geuebt. Schoen langsam lernt sie sich alleine zu balanzieren. Gestern Abend hat sie beschlossen sich ihr Teller ueber den Kopf zu stuerzen. Da hab' ich mich ja gefreut. Natuerlich mussten wir dann ein Bad nehmen.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Godi and Jake!

Today is my sister's birthday. She is my baby's godmother, and a good one at that! We miss not being able to see her very often, but we think of her every day! Happy Birthday Godi! We love you!
Heute hat meine Schwester ihren Geburtstag! Sie ist die Patentante unserer kleinen Maus, und eine sehr gute! Wir vermissen sie, aber wir denken jeden Tag an sie! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Godi! Wir haben Dich lieb!

Today was also my godson's birthday party. He is three! Happy Birthday Superhero! He had a really cool party and the kids had a lot of fun. The picture shows him with his mom and our little critter. She loves hanging out with them! There were plenty of kids to play with, lots of good food, and tons of fun! Thanks for inviting us!
Heute war auch die Geburtstagsparty meines Patensohnes. Er ist drei! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Superheld! Er hatte eine coole Party und die Kinder hatten viel Spass. Auf dem Bild ist er mit seiner Mama und unserer Kleinen. Die Kleine ist sehr gerne bei ihnen.