Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

First Preschool Field Trip

Lilly had her very first preschool field trip a few weeks ago - to Burger Farm. The kids had a blast picking pumpkins, watching a puppet show, talking to the animals, running thru the hay maze, and playing at the playground.
Lilly hatte ihren ersten Schulausflug zur Kuerbisfarm. Die Kinder hatten Spass beim Kuerbis aussuchen, Puppentheater anschauen, mit den Tieren reden, durchs Heulabyrinth zu laufen, und am Spielplatz zu spielen.

Friday, October 15, 2010


My little friend... Mein kleiner Freund...

Big boy haircut! Neuer Haarschnitt!



We love hiking in the woods behind our house and up to the field on the other side of the creek.
Wir wandern gerne durch den Wald hinterm Haus und auf der anderen Seite vom Bacherl rauf aufs Feld.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Grandparents Day

This past Friday Lilly had her first Grandparents Day at Preschool. She was so happy to see Grandma and Grandpa. The kids had a little program, sang songs, and enjoyed cookies and lemonade with the Grandparents. They were really cute.

Letzten Freitag hatte Lilly ihren ersten Grosselterntag im Kindergarten. Sie war so gluecklich dass Grandma und Grandpa gekommen sind. Nach einem kurzen Program, singen, und Keksen mit Limonade, haben die Grosseltern ein Geschenk bekommen und die Kinder durften spielen gehen.

And Jamie was enjoying Grandma and Grandpa's visit as well.
Jamie hat es auch gefallen dass Grandma und Grandpa auf Besuch gekommen sind.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Today we went in for Jamie's 18-month check-up. He is doing great! 33 inches, 25lbs 12 oz., and otherwise on track with his development.
He has become such a little rascal! He loves to get into absolutely everything and discovers new things on a daily base! I love this age!

Heute waren wir beim Kinderarzt fuer Jamie's 18-Monat Untersuchung. Er entwickelt sich praechtig - er ist 83,8 cm gross und wiegt 11,7 kg. In letzter Zeit ist er so ein richtiger Schlawiner geworden - er laesst nichts in Ruhe und erforscht pausenlos neue Sachen! Ich mag dieses Alter!

Friday, September 3, 2010

18 months and 3 1/2 years

Wow, it's been forever since I've posted something - I'll try to be better about this.
Here are the newest pictures of our little ones.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The plants are alive!

Anybody who knows me also knows that I cannot keep a plant alive for the love of it!
I've killed numerous plant over the past 15 years, mainly because I forget to water them. I am happy to report that out of 12 plants I got since we live in our new house, 11 are still alive! Three I almost lost, but with some advice from Mom and putting them outside, they have come back from the dead. That is a major accomplishment for me!
Jeder der mich kennt weiss dass ich ums verrecken keine Pflanzen am Leben erhalten kann! In den letzten 15 Jahren habe ich zahlreiche Pflanzen umgebracht, meistens weil ich sie nicht gegossen habe. Deshalb freue ich mich um so mehr dass ich von 12 Pflanzen die ich seit wir im neuen Haus wohnen bekommen habe, nur 1 umgebracht habe. Drei weitere sind fast draufgegangen, aber mit ein bisschen Hilfe von der Schwiegermama und dem schoenen Wetter draussen, sind sie wieder vom Tode auferstanden.

The last couple of days were just a lot of relaxing, playing with the kids, getting some housework done, re-potting plants, weeding, etc. I love spending time at home with the kids and I love having the space to spread out.
Die letzten paar Tage sind wir auf der faulen Haut gelegen - haben mit den Kindern gespielt, ein bisschen Hausarbeit gemacht, Pflanzen umgetopft, Unkraut gejaetet, usw. Ich bin sehr gerne mit den Kindern zu Hause und freue mich dass wir jetzt den Platz haben um im Haus auch richtig rumzutoben.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lilly cracks me up!

Lilly and I are playing tea party and we have gone thru several cups of pretend strawberry and raspberry tea, she's added ice cubes to my tea so I can drink it sooner and then we enjoyed a pretend cookie with the tea. All for a sudden she gets up from her play table and says: "I have to leave soon to get some milk from the store for my horsies." Then:"Oh, wait, I forgot my purse in the car." She gets the purse, hangs it on a door handle announces that it's now time to make lunch for her Papa. She gets wooden beads (eggs) and explains that she needs to crack them in a pan so she can make scrambled eggs.
Lilly has a wonderful imagination and it's running full-speed all day long. It is such a joy to have a little girl!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My babies 1 and 3

I absolutely love these pictues of my little ones. They capture them very well.
Thanks Sonja!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Visit from nature...

We were just playing in the bedroom when we heard a scratching at the front door. At first I thought it was a cat or a dog, but when I peeked out the window I saw a big turtle! A Snapping Turtle! I was really surprised. So we went outside to check our visitor out. His shell was about as big as a basketball and by the time you add on the head and tail that thing was considerable! He got stuck in our flower bed, so our neighbor got him out and after a while he was off to the pond in the back. Wir haben im Zimmer gespielt als wir ein kratzen an der Haustuere gehoert haben. Zuerst habe ich geglaubt es waere eine Katze oder ein Hund, aber als ich aus dem Fenster rausgeschaut habe war da doch tatsaechlich eine grosse Schnappschildkroete! Das war das letzte dass ich erwartet habe. Wir sind rausgegangen um uns unseren Besucher anzuschauen. Sein Panzer war so gross wie ein Basketball und mit dem Kopf und Schwanz dran war das Ding schon ziemlich gross. Er ist im Blumenbett steckengeblieben, also hat unser Nachbar ihm rausgeholfen und nach einer kleinen Weile hat er seinen Weg zum Teich fortgesetzt.

Our neighbor tried to show the kids why they weren't allowed to get close...Jamie got a bit scared...
Unser Nachbar hat den Kindern gezeigt warum sie von der Schildkroete wegbleiben muessen...Jamie hat das geschreckt...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Favorite phrases...

Here are some of my favorite phrases and mispronounciations Lilly has produced in the past few weeks:

* crocodidle (Crocodile)

* I cannot like this!

* Mama, I not a crastinator! (after the 3rd thing she wanted at bedtime, I told her she's a procrastinator)

* Mama, we have to share (whenever Jamie gets a new toy)

* Let's play crispy with Wally (play Frisbee)

* I'm not a crastinator! - It was bedtime and she had to have one more cuddle, one more kiss, "I miss Daddy" (he had just put her to bed), water please, have to go to the bathroom and then she wanted to read again. I told her she is a procrastinator. She disagreed with a smile and the cutest mispronounciation.

* slippely (slippery)

* quickely

...and there are more - I'll post them when I think of them.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lilly is THREE!

Lilly had been already looking forward for several weeks to her birthday. She waited patiently, declaring every morning that it is her birthday, hoping it would work :) When it didn't work she acted all hurt.
Finally the day came and we started it out with her favorite muffins and a video chat with Omi and Godi, then we talked to Opa and a couple of friends. She got to open her presents and play with them all morning. In the afternoon her friends and grandparents came for her "Horsey" party. She had a great time celebrating with her friends, playing games, unwrapping presents and enjoying her cake.
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Lilly hat schon seit Wochen auf ihren Geburtstag gewartet. Sie hat jeden Morgen verkuendet dass es ihr Geburtstag ist, in der Hoffnung das es irgendwann mal klappt. Wenn's nicht funktioniert hat war sie eingeschnappt.
Endlich ist der Tag gekommen und wir hatten ein schoenes Fruehstueck, haben mit Omi und Godi geskypt, und mit Opa und Freunden geredet. Sie durfte ihre Geschenke aufmachen und hat den ganzen Morgen damit gespielt. Nachmittags kamen dann ihre Freunde und Grosseltern zu ihrer Geburtstagsfeier. Lilly hat sich eine Pferdeparty gewunschen, also haben wir die Kueche und das Wohnzimmer mit Pferden, Hufeisen, usw. dekoriert. Sie hatte ganz viel Spass beim Feiern, Spiele spielen, Geschenke auspacken, und Kuchen essen.

Monday, March 8, 2010


We have been very busy this past week with three birthday parties, one being Jamie's, going to a show with the kids, making new friends, and enjoying the wonderful weather. So finally I got around to putting a few pictures from Jamie's birthday party together. We had a great time and it was nice to have friends and family over to celebrate. Thanks to all for coming and to many others for all the presents, birthday wishes, cards and phone calls.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010