Monday, March 8, 2010


We have been very busy this past week with three birthday parties, one being Jamie's, going to a show with the kids, making new friends, and enjoying the wonderful weather. So finally I got around to putting a few pictures from Jamie's birthday party together. We had a great time and it was nice to have friends and family over to celebrate. Thanks to all for coming and to many others for all the presents, birthday wishes, cards and phone calls.

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1 comment:

Ella said...

Happy birthday Jamie!
Mann vergeht die Zeit, ich kann es kaum glauben.
Ally, ich habe dir das Rezept zum Eintrag; "Einmal Brotbacken, immer brotbacken" dazugeschrieben.
Ich hoffe du kommst damit klar und gutes Gelingen!
Liebe Grüße