Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Favorite phrases...

Here are some of my favorite phrases and mispronounciations Lilly has produced in the past few weeks:

* crocodidle (Crocodile)

* I cannot like this!

* Mama, I not a crastinator! (after the 3rd thing she wanted at bedtime, I told her she's a procrastinator)

* Mama, we have to share (whenever Jamie gets a new toy)

* Let's play crispy with Wally (play Frisbee)

* I'm not a crastinator! - It was bedtime and she had to have one more cuddle, one more kiss, "I miss Daddy" (he had just put her to bed), water please, have to go to the bathroom and then she wanted to read again. I told her she is a procrastinator. She disagreed with a smile and the cutest mispronounciation.

* slippely (slippery)

* quickely

...and there are more - I'll post them when I think of them.

1 comment:

Ella said...

Hi Ally,
die sind ja so süß deine Kleinen!
Ich kann mir das so richtig vorstellen, da ich ja ihre Stimme kenne.
Hast Du schon Brot gebacken?
LG Ela