Saturday, June 7, 2008

Lilly loves the froggy!

WARNING - this posting might be considered offensive to some of you!
We went last night out for dinner with Grandma and Grandpa. We went to this really authentic Chinese Buffet. The food there is very tasty and everybody enjoys trying new foods.
Lilly loves her Grandpa and she blindly trusts him, so when he fed her frog legs, she ate a few bites, then she wanted more! I was utterly disgusted by that, but since I want her to try all kinds of foods to find her own preferences, not mine, I just let Grandpa do his thing. Yes, Lilly loves her froggy - she likes to play with her toy frogs in the bathtub, she likes watching them at the aquarium, AND she likes to chew on them as well! Yummy!

Wir waren gestern Abend beim einem sehr authentischen Chinesischen Buffet. Das Essen ist sehr gut und die Auswahl ist gross. Wir probieren jedes Mal neue Sachen aus. Dieses Mal hat Grandpa auch Lilly in seine Abenteuer mithineingezogen. Er hat ihr doch tatsaechlich Froschschenkel gegeben! Mir ist dabei ja fast schlecht geworden, aber Lilly hat es total geschmeckt! Sie liebt ihre Froesche, ob es die Plastikfroesche zum Spielen in der Badewanne sind, die Froesche die wir uns im Aquarium anschauen, ODER ob es die ach-so-guten-Froschschenkel vom Chinesen sind... Lecker!

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